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Making the Case for Workplace Change
It’s fundamental human nature to resist change. Whether you are creatingworkplace transformation through shared workspaces, worker mobility, flexible work arrangements, or all the above, the daily lives of nearly every individual in the enterprise will be affected.
Managing Distributed Teams
Among all the investments you will make in workplace change, properly preparing managers for the experience is arguably the mostimportant investmentyouwillmaketo ensure ultimate program success.
Working in Distributed Teams
With the proliferation of laptops and mobile devices, working away from the office is not all that foreign to most knowledge workers. So, why the need for enterprise-wide training of distributed workers?
Flex Fundamentals for Managers
As you mayknow, workplace flexibility has reached a tipping point among employers. When referring to flexibility, we’re not just talking about flexible schedules.
Flex Fundamentals for Team Members
As you may know, workplace flexibility has reached a tipping point among employers. When we talk about flexibility, we’re not just talking about flexible schedules. We’re talking about rethinking when, where, and how team members do their best work.
The Six Steps to Leading Workplace Change
Workplace change can be complicated, challenging, maybe even daunting to the project team. We fully understand the challenges that you and your change team may be facing. We can help with that.
Creating a High-Performing Home Office
With mobile technology and ubiquitous broadband, it’s hard to find anyone who hasn’t checked email or taken an off-hours call from home. What’s important about creating a high-performing home office is simultaneously maximizing its significant benefits.
Adopting Mobility Best Practices
Becoming a successful mobile worker requires more than simply using a laptop and a smart phone away from the office. Mobile work requires new ways of staying connected with team members, being better organized and efficient with new technology.
Exploring Workspace Types & Functionality
Today’s technology and changing workplace offers a whole new way to work, one that challenges us to rethink centuries-old ideas about what work is, where it’s done, and how it’s measured.
Making the Most of Your Technology
Whenever there’s a major change to the workplace –a move to a new location, the adoption of shared workspaces, the merger of two enterprises –technology typically goes through a major change as well.
Making the Move to Your New Workplace
Are you planning a move? Remodeling the workplace? Despite the excitement of the new workplace, every employee could end up thinking of the move as a complex, confusing, disruptive process…unless you show them otherwise. The key is to provide answers to questions.
Appreciating the Designs and Features of Your New Building
As a member of the project team, you know the countless decisions that were made to make the workplace experience accommodating, comfortable, safe, secure, efficient, productive and sustainable.
Negotiations Skills in the Workplace
As the digital work force becomes more synergized, it’s natural for management to search for ways to take teams to the next level and that is what industry leaders are doing.
Engaging with Different Workplace Generations
Did you know that by 2020, Millennials will make up 40% of the US workforce? The Pew Research Center predicts thatroughly 10,000 baby boomersare turning 65every day in the US.
Working in a Healthy, Safe, Secure Workplace
Are you planning a move? Remodeling the workplace? Despite the excitement of the new workplace, every employee could end up thinking of the move as a complex, confusing, disruptive process…unless you show them otherwise. The key is to provide answers to questions. Experts will tell you that health, safety, and security is not just a goal, it’s a necessity. Making sure that each team member is regularly reminded of procedures and best practices to make this happen is essential for reducing incidents.
Practicing Sustainable Behaviors
If you’re involved in developing a LEED project, you know that sustainability is much more than just a buzzword. Making an investment in sustainability will ideally become a way of life and a state of mind for your enterprise.