Working in Distributed Teams-Course Outline

With the proliferation of laptops and mobile devices, working away from the office is not all that foreign to most knowledge workers.

So, why the need for enterprise-wide training of distributed workers? Because unprepared distributed workers are nowhere near as productive, efficient, reliable and consistent as they could be without proper preparation.

What is a distributed team? Being part of a distributed team simply means that individuals and their team members no longer work all together, in one physical location. The term distributed team also refers to the network of people that each individual connects with to do their job effectively.

Preparing each team members for distributed work is essential

Working in a distributed team requires unique skills and routines to remain connected, and to effectively communicate and to collaborate with others. The Working in a Distributed Team module has been preparing thousands of team members every year for nearly a decade using the following learning objectives:

Participating in a distributed community by:

  • Learning and practicing the fundamental elements of distributed work success
  • Managing relationships with their manager, teammates and customers
  • Actively participating in and contributing to their team community

Improving communication and collaboration skills by:

  • Updating listening skills, selecting the right tools and practicing good etiquette
  • Becoming highly effective at hosting and participating in virtual meetings
  • Staying visible and connected while working away

Managing performance and career development by:

  • Becoming a reliable contributing team member
  • Establishing clear performance goals, meeting performance expectations and managing personal time
  • Regularly tracking and reporting work accomplishments
  • Managing career development goals and engaging in continuous learning

Proper preparation of distributed workers is essential to ensure that remote workers exhibit consistent behaviors, update essential skills, stay connected while working away, and remain a viable contributing member of the team. At the same time, proper preparation provides the extra added bonus of improving relationships, communication, accountability and overall team performance.

This e-Learning module provides each team member with the essential knowledge, tips, tools, and best practices they need to be a highly effective, visible, contributing member of a distributed team.

Customizing Your Course: This e-Learningmodule is easily customized with your content, messaging and images using our exclusive Rapid e-Learning Development Engine. We start you off with our fully detailed best practices content on MS Word documents. You simply edit these documents with your content and images and return them to your production team. We then map your changes into our automated e-Learning system, and you’ll typically see your changes in the online module within 24 hours.


See the Evolving Workplace e-Learning Series:Technology-enabled workplace change can only be successful if the people change too. The Evolving Workplace e-Learning Series modules accelerate workplace change through a deliberate mindshift in individuals, teams and the enterprise to work together in new ways.

Click here to learn about the Work Practice Change e-Learning module series.