Of all the items on your enterprise priority list, who would ever think of taking the time to train team members with negotiation skills?
The truth is, nearly everything we do involves negotiation. If it involves people, it involves negotiation. And, with today’s technology, good negotiation skills are essential whether you are face-to-face with a coworker, on a video conference with your project team, or exchanging IMs with a traveling colleague from across the globe.
Why negotiation skills are important to the enterprise
Did you know that small adjustments in posture, attitude and positioning can make a huge difference in the outcome of your conversations? Practicing a few simple negotiating techniques can impact the decisions people make every day.
When applied widely through the organization, negotiation skills can improve enterprise efficiency, performance, engagement, and even profitability. Applying negotiation skills through appropriate training, practice and reinforcement can be one of those invaluable, essential work force synergy tools that give an enterprise a competitive edge.
“As every company becomes digital, it’s going to change your leadership style, the skill sets you need, and how you work with teams.”
John Chambers, Executive Chairman, Cisco Systems
Who would ever think of making negotiation a priority employee skill? Those leaders who wish to take their organization to the next level, that’s who.
Because talented negotiators typically exhibit superior interpersonal skills, powers of persuasion, and problem solving, resulting in reducing conflicts, improved team collaboration, and relationships building, perhaps upgrading your teams with negotiation skills should be given a serious look!
See the Evolving Workplace e-Learning Series: Technology-enabled workplace change can only be successful if the people change too. The e-work.com Evolving Workplace e-Learning Series modules accelerate workplace change through a deliberate mindshift in individuals, teams and the enterprise to work together in new ways.
Register to see the Negotiation Skills in the Workplace course outline.