These days, most knowledge workers already perform plenty of their work away from the office. Even in situations where teleworkers, workplace mobility, and flexible work arrangements (also known as distributed work) are not sanctioned or formalized, checking email after hours, hosting virtual meetings from a hotel room, are all pretty routine.
But without the establishment of mobile work policies and preparation of participants for the remote work experience, unsanctioned distributed workers are nowhere near as productive, efficient, reliable and consistent as they could be.
Properly preparing distributed workers will make a huge difference
Working in a distributed team requires unique skills and routines to remain connected, effectively communicating and collaborating with others. Essential to their success is earning the trust and reputation as a consistent team contributor no matter where they work.
So, for each individual to become a high effective, successful distributed team member, they must:
- Get on board: Each must learn and accept the program strategy and objectives, then visualize how their habits and routineswill differ from the way things are now.
- Learn to participate in a distributed community: Successful distributed workers learn to create trusted, contributing, engaged relationships with their teammates, becoming a viable member of the team.
- Become an advanced communicator and collaborator: To maximize team interaction, each individual must learncommon communication processes, protocols and practices so that information is communicated effectively across the organization.
- Maintain visibility while working away: The ideal teammate is considerate and consistent, never goes dark, anticipates others’ needs, and masters mobile technology to stay visible and connected.
- Remain an accountable team contributor: Practicing consistent, reliable, measurable personal performance is essential for earning the trust and confidenceof the team.
To be fully successful, every participating distributed worker must be prepared by learning and accepting the program rules, improving their skills as a collaborating mobile member of the team, and knowing what it will take to become an active, contributingmember of their distributed work community.
See the Evolving Workplace e-Learning Series:Technology-enabled workplace change can only be successful if the people change too. The e-work.comEvolving Workplacee-Learning Seriesmodulesaccelerate workplace changethrough a deliberate mindshift in individuals, teams and theenterprise to work together in new ways. course outline.
Register to see the Working in Distributed Teams course outline.