Appreciating the Design and Features of Your New Building

Congratulations on the approaching launch of your new/renovated building.As amember of the project team, you knowthe countless decisions that were made to make the workplace experience accommodating, comfortable, safe, secure, efficient, productive and sustainable.
You’ve only got one chance to make a good first impression
As the move date gets closer, your attentionis shifting toward making sure the personal experience of everyoneinvolved in the moveis the best it can be. You haveno doubt provided ‘sneak preview’ renderings, perhaps even details ofsome excitingamenities, butyou knowyou’ve got but one chance to make a good first impression.The question is, how will provide occupants with essential information onthe building design, features, amenities and commuting options before they move?
The “Appreciatingthe Design and Features of Your New Building”is a Quick-Learn Orientation Moduledesigned to enlighten users with an appreciation of those decisions and how each can take advantage of them. The module is organized into four sections, including:
1. The building design and sustainability features:
An overview ofthe design philosophy,approach and investment in sustainability, including:
- The organization’s sustainability commitment and strategy
- Sustainability design strategies and features
- Energy-saving goals and solutions
- An overview of sustainable operations and systems
2. Employee-focused health and comfort features:
How the building featuresprovide a positive, unique workplace experience, including details on:
- The sustainability design approach and criteria
- Building features descriptions and benefits
- Employee-focused amenities
- Visual and acoustic privacy features
- Sustainable lighting and comfort systems
3. Employee-focusedamenities in the new building:
Details on thewide range of amenities designed to meet both enterprise and personal needs, including:
- Cafeteria, coffee and snack bar
- Fitness center
- Child care center
- Library and data services
- Credit union and ATM
4. Details on commuting accommodations:
Commuting options, parking options, and commute alternatives, including:
- Parking availability and access
- LEFE and pooling vehicle parking
- Shuttle options
- Public transportation access
Providing detailed familiarization just-in-time fora smooth transition
This Quick-Learn Orientation Module provides every occupant an appreciation for the thought and investment that was made to ensuretheir workplace experience is accommodating, comfortable, safe, secure, efficient, and productive. Whether you are moving200 or 20,000, this modulecan be distributed tothe computer or mobile device ofevery team member involved in the move. Itensures a quick familiarization andsmooth transition to the new work environment, plus knowledge and tipsfor each individualto take full advantage of its many features and amenities.
Customizing Your Course: This e-Learningmodule is easily customized with your content, messaging and images using our exclusive Rapide-Learning Development Engine. We start you off with our fully detailed best practices content on MS Word documents. You simply edit these documents with your content and images and return them to your production team. We then map your changes intoour automatede-Learning system, and you’ll typically see your changes in the onlinemodule within 24 hours.
See the Evolving Workplace e-Learning Series: Technology-enabled workplace change can only be successful if the people change too. The Evolving Workplace e-Learning Series modules accelerate workplace change through a deliberate mindshift in individuals, teams and the enterprise to work together in new ways.
Click here to learn about the Work Place Orientation e-Learning Series modules.