Practicing Sustainable Behaviors-Course Outline

If you’re involved in developing a LEED project, you know full well that sustainability is much more than just a buzzword. Making an investment in sustainabilitywill ideallybecome a way of life, a state of mind for your enterprise.
Fifteen minutes of training could make a hugeimpact on ROI
Your team should be proud of the innovative sustainable features you’ve integrated into your new environment, and no doubt you can’t wait to see them in use.With the “Practicing Sustainable Behaviors” e-Learning module, you can now provide 200 or 20,000 employees the knowledge and motivation they need to understand the LEED elements andfeatures,plusguidance and incentiveto change their behaviors to help the environment and maximize yourinvestment in sustainability.
Through this e-Learning module, learners areprovided details on:
1. Learning the building design and sustainability features
The learner is provided an overview of your sustainability philosophy, the approach to the building design and its sustainability, detailing the organization’s:
- Commitment to the environment and sustainability goals
- Sustainability strategy
- Sustainability building features
- Sustainability operations
2. Working in a sustainable environment
Each individual is shown how working in a sustainable building offers both the opportunity and responsibility to practice sustainability behaviors and set an example for others to follow, learning details about:
- Indoor environmental quality
- Indoor air quality
- Sustainable cleaning
- Green purchasing policies
- Personal controls
3. Practicing energy conservation
This sectionencourages the adoption of new behaviors to support energy conservation, and reviews energy conservation features and actions including:
- Energy consumption, your role and why it’s important
- Heating, ventilation and air conditioning
- Efficient, effective workplace lighting
- Plug loads
4. Practicing water conservation
Workplace water conservation features are fully explained along with the specific actions individuals can take to ensure water is conserved including:
- Water conservation in your workplace
- Water conservation devices and systems
- Irrigation and water reuse
- Greenroof systems
- Your role in water conservation.
5. Recycling and waste management
Learners are provided details on the waste management and recycling programs and how they can become active participants by learning:
- Your role and why it is important
- How to reduce
- How to Reuse
- How to recycle
6. Sustainable commuting
Learners are provided details on the various commute options and how to begin participating in the program right away:
- Alternative commuting
- The mass transit fare discount program
- The car pool / van pool programs
- The connected worker program
- Accommodations for bicycling and walking
7. Your role in workplace stewardship
Individuals are reminded that the small actions of everyone in the workplace can have a big impact, providing details on:
- Your stewardship role and why it is important
- Policies that drive stewardship
- Considering your options
The sustainable behaviors of occupants can influence the results achieved by 30% or more.
So, to gain a full return on your sustainability design investment, the daily habits of occupants must be directed toward using the sustainability features you’ve provided them. The Practicing Sustainable Behaviorsmodule is designed to do just that: ensuring that occupants are provided the knowledge, procedures, inspiration and rewards foractively using the sustainable design features.
Customizing Your Course: This e-Learningmodule is easily customized with your content, messaging and images using our exclusive Rapid e-Learning Development Engine. We start you off with our fully detailed best practices content on MS Word documents. You simply edit these documents with your content and images and return them to your production team. We then map your changes intoour automatede-Learning system, and you’ll typically see your changes in the onlinemodule within 24 hours.
See the Evolving Workplace e-Learning Series:Technology-enabled workplace change can only be successful if the people change too. The e-work.comEvolving Workplacee-Learning Seriesmodulesaccelerate workplace changethrough a deliberate mindshift in individuals, teams and theenterprise to work together in new ways.
Click here to learn about the Work Force Synergy e-Learning Series modules.