Making the Most of Your Technology-Course Outline

Whenever there’s a major change to the workplace -a move to a new location, the adoption of shared workspaces, the merger of two enterprises -technology typically goes through a major change as well. The ultimate challenge is toorient the enterprise technology strategy and policyamong users at the right time to ensure aconsistent, timelytransition to the new ways of working. If you would like to make the most of your technology course then you may want to install some technology at home by checking out home automation systems uk after reading this article.
Everyone needs the new playbook and to begin following the same rules
The “Making the Most of Your Technology” module when, customized with your process, technology and support detail, provides each individual what they need to know- before, during and after thechange – for a smooth transition. In15 minutes or so,each individual becomes oriented and acclimated to the technology toolsin the context of their newworkplace. When taken simultaneously by all those involved with the change, teams establish common new routines and practices simultaneously, quickly transitioning to their new work environmentwithout delay.
This Quick-Learn Orientation Module is divided intofouressential sections, including:
1. Technology tools in the new workplace:
Technology enables us to be effective working anytime, anywhere. This section provides descriptions, tips and resources forenterprise technology tools including:
- Computing solutions
- Voice solutions
- Mobile devices
- Mobility accessories
- Document production and replication solutions
2. Optimizing your productivity through technology:
This section provides descriptions, tips and resources for achieving high levels of productivity using:
- Meeting platforms
- Instant messaging
- Social media applications
- Team applications
- Personal productivity tools
3. Using information security best practices:
The increased use of mobility tools also increases the vulnerability of information. This section reviews best practices for reducing information security risk by providing guidance on:
- Software updates
- System access
- Network access
- Protecting information assets
4. Accessing technology support:
When technology is not working, prompt resolutions are essential to reduce down time. This section provides instructions, protocols and resources by providing:
- Help desk access
- Guides and tip sheets
- Access to informal support networks
When to use this training: This module provides essential technology guidance forthe new workplace to individuals, teams and the enterprise. Idealapplications for this training moduleis when an organization:
- Makes a move or consolidates multiple workplaces
- Reinvents the workplacewith an activity-based work environment
- Installs a majorworkplace technology upgrade
- Merges withanother organization and consolidates technology
- Hires new employees or contractors
Providing essential enterprise-wide operating guidancewith a just-in-time module: Successful mobility management involvesconsistent,efficientpractice of technology policies andproceduresacross the enterprise.This Quick Learn Workplace Orientation module is designed to provide essentialenterprise-wide operatingguidance and expectations forintegratingenterprise technology with an individual’s own equipment to maximize productivity, collaboration, safety and security. Let us show you how we’ve helped dozens of Fortune 500companies and government agencies so just that.
Customizing Your Module: This e-Learningmodule is easily customized with your content, messaging and images using our exclusive Rapide-Learning Development Engine. We start you off with our fully detailed best practices content on MS Word documents. You simply edit these documents with your content and images and return them to your production team. We then map your changes intoour automatede-Learning system, and you’ll typically see your changes in the onlinemodule within 24 hours.
See the Evolving Workplace e-Learning Series: Technology-enabled workplace change can only be successful if the people change too. The Evolving Workplace e-Learning Series modules accelerate workplace change through a deliberate mindshift in individuals, teams and the enterprise to work together in new ways.
Click here to learn about the Work Place Orientation e-Learning Series modules.