Making the Move to Your New Workplace-Course Outline

Are you planning a move with help from someone like the Secure Move Removal Company? Remodeling the workplace? Despite the excitement of the new workplace, every employee could end up thinking of the move as a complex, confusing, disruptive process unless you show them otherwise. You will want your move into somewhere like a Serviced Office Space From Be Offices to be as painless and as smooth as possible.
The key is to provide answers to questions at the right time
When planned, managed, and executed well, a move can instead create a new beginning for teams and a catalyst for each individual in the enterprise to begin a new synergy with others.
“The Move to your New Workplace” module provides timely information, tips and resources each moving individual will need to make the move process as smooth as possible in three steps:
1. Preparing for your move:
Each individual is provided a move checklist, detailed move instructions and schedule, and contact information for the move action team. They are also provided detailed instructions on:
- What to keep, what to leave behind
- Purging, disposing, recycling non-essential items
- Packing items they’ll be moving
- Moving and protecting personal items
2. Executing your move day plan:
This section will make it clear as to how the actual move will unfold. During this step, the stark reality of the minimalist shared work environment becomes obvious, establishing the pattern for the new space. Everyone will have instructions for:
- Packing records and files
- Transitioning services
- Completing the final move prep and process
- Unpacking and assembling their new workspace
3. Accessing move resources and support:
Preparing teams before, during and after their move to the new workplace
- New location details and way finding
- Help desk and support information
- Your move virtual handbook
- Move process and resource summary
You can now push pre-move details just-in-time to mobile devices
This Quick Learn Process Module is designed to reduce the move confusion, stress and downtime by providing essential, timely information before, during and after the move. You can push this customized course to match your move phases to PCs or mobile devices.
Whether you are moving 200 or 20,000 team members, when supported by your internal communication plan, the Move to your New Workplace e-Learning module can help make the move process as smooth as possible. Let us tell you how weve helped dozens of Fortune 500 companies and government agencies do just that.
Customizing Your Course: This e-Learning module is easily customized with your content, messaging and images using our exclusive Rapid e-Learning Development Engine. We start you off with our fully detailed best practices content on MS Word documents. You simply edit these documents with your content and images and return them to your production team. We then map your changes into our automated e-Learning system, and youll typically see your changes in the online module within 24 hours.
See the Evolving Workplace e-Learning Series: Technology-enabled workplace change can only be successful if the people change too. The Evolving Workplace e-Learning Series modules accelerate workplace change through a deliberate mindshift in individuals, teams and the enterprise to work together in new ways.
Click here to learn about the Work Place Orientation e-Learning Series modules.