Are you adopting workplace change strategies such asan activity-based workplace, a flexible work program, telework,coworking or free agents?If so, chances are you’ve already realized the importance of enterprise training, acceptance, program buy-in, andovercoming resistance to change
It should come as no surprise that people remain the primary obstacle to enterprise acceptance, adoption and even the survival of disruptive workplace programs. Resistance to change is all about frame of mind.
Will internal rumorshighjack your communication plan?
Before internal rumors have a chance to shape opinions about the changes you’re planning, it is critical that everyone learns the reality of your plan quickly and simultaneously. Whether you have 200 or 20,000 team members, properly preparing the workforce for the new workplace is a matter of buildinga five-step”case for workplace change” by:
1. Explaining what’s driving the need for change: Show everyone thebig picture strategy, howthe program will maximize enterprise potential, improveteam level effectiveness, andsignificant benefits for individuals.
2. Helping everyone picture what will the future workplace be like: Explain how people will work differently and the new work environment and processes that will bein placeto support it all.
3.Describinghow thenew workplace will benefitsindividuals, teams andthe organization: At this point in making the case for change, it becomes personal. What’s in itfor an executive is very different froma manager ora team member, soeach is tailored with benefits fromtheir perspective,each seeing the personal payoff and value proposition for getting on board.
4. Describing theobstacleseach indivisual willneed to overcome: Executives, managers andteam membersare then presented with a reality check.You must acknowledge the many obstacles and challengesto getting to the ‘other side,’along withclear pathsand support forgetting there.
5.Explaining howeveryone can be a part of the change: This is where the rubber meets the road.Executives and managers are guided to make a commitment, map out a change plan, develop a strategy to communicate it, empower their direct reports, and measure success.Team membersare reminded they are key to program success, are encouraged to discuss what’s working and what’s not, and to work with their manager to make this the best workplace it can be.
–Given the accelerating technological advances, there is no room for people who say “I like things the way they are!”–
It’s easy for people to jump to their own conclusion about change when they don’t know the facts.To make the necessary cultural shift, every individual in the organization needs to know the plan and buy into the vision, they mustlearn their role in its success, andshould expect toreceive recognition and rewards for being a part of implementing it. Making the case for change is one of several steps inan accelerated change process that providesrapid application of essential knowledge,new skillsand re-invented processes.
See the Evolving Workplace e-Learning Series: Technology-enabled workplace change can only be successful if the people change too. The e-work.com Evolving Workplace e-Learning Series modules accelerate workplace change through a deliberate mindshift in individuals, teams and the enterprise to work together in new ways.
Once you’vereceived approval for the new workplace and developed a great buildout plan,your attention should now focus on gaining enterprise buy-in.
Register to see the Making the Case for Workplace Change course outline.