It seems every week new technology is announced that radically changes our routines, but nowhere has technology been more disruptive than in the workplace. Organizations around the globe are putting technology to work by embracing disruptive workplace strategies such asactivity-based work arrangements,flexible work arrangements, andcoworking.
If you’ve decided to implement theseemerging workplace strategies, you’ve likely recognized the three certainties blocking workplace change buy-in:
1. Technology that disrupts long-time traditions provokes a natural human resistance.
2. Changing the technology is usually much easier than getting the enterprise to adopt it and use it.
3. Ifyour workforce is not properly prepared for change, adoption canbe slow, unpredictable andcostly.
Whether you have 200 or 20,000 employees, properly preparing the workforce for a new workplace is a matter of building a strong “case for change.” You do this by providing everyone with answers to The Five Program What’s:
1. What’s driving the need for this change?
2. What will the future workplace be like?
3. What’s in it for me?
4. What challenges will I need to overcome?
5. What do I need to do to be a part of the change?
These are all legitimate questions that can be answered through a well-designed communication strategy. Fortunately, thesame technology that increases worker efficiency is now available for worker learning. With astrategic set of messages distributed through a robust e-Learning platform, your entire enterprisecan simultaneously receive the same mind-shifting, team-building knowledge, tips and tools inless than two weeks.
Unblock buy-in with a clear case for change
Employers large and small are recognizing that jumping on the change-to-a-digital workplace is notjusta competitive advantage, but it’s matter of survival.Given the relentless advances in technology, there is no room for people who say: “I like things the way they are!”
Overcoming the three certainties blocking workplace changewon’t be easy, but the long journey begins with the first step. Making the case for changeis an ideal firststep in an accelerated change processthat can ensure rapid, deliberate application of knowledge and processes essential to change.
See the Evolving Workplace e-Learning Series: Technology-enabled workplace change can only be successful if the people change too. The e-work.com Evolving Workplace e-Learning Series modules accelerate workplace change through a deliberate mindshift in individuals, teams and the enterprise to work together in new ways.
Register to see the Making the Case for Workplace Change course outline.