Moving to a new location or remodeled facility is a huge deal for everyteam memberinvolved. They’ll all be excited about the new features, amenities, new furniture, technology…and you know they can’t wait for the big move day.
It’s easy to imagine the kinds of questions every employee will have about the new workplace and the move:
“What will the new office look like?”
“Where will I park my car?”
“Will my current security badge work?”
“Will my teammates be nearby?”
“Where is the cafeteria and how do I get there?”
You could answer these questions with an email or even a web page, but will users absorb the information…or even look at it? Shouldn’t you be asking: “How willwe REALLY prepareeveryone for one of the most important events in organization history?”
Push a pre-move orientation to every mobile device
Technology is now available to push an interactive, detailed stream of essential move information with visuals andanswers to these and many other questions. Wouldn’t it be great to provide everyone the same workplace preview, messaging, visuals, the move process timing, and the phased plan just before they move? Of course no-one will remember all the details after one exposure, so why not provide this information well after the move for quick checks and refreshers?
Having a sneak-preview of a workplace you haven’t been before can make all the difference in the world. Properly developed and produced, your quick learn orientation will effectively set many expectations, will ensure a positive first impression, and can provide ongoing reminders and support until the new workplace becomes the new normal.
See the Evolving Workplace e-Learning Series: Technology-enabled workplace change can only be successful if the people change too. The e-work.com Evolving Workplace e-Learning Series modules accelerate workplace change through a deliberate mindshift in individuals, teams and the enterprise to work together in new ways.
Register to see the Making the Move to Your New Workplace course outline.