Moving is never easy.
When you’ve invested in a new facility or re-designed an existing workplace, transitioning a workforce to the new space is difficult enough. But when your workplace is also being transformed through disruptive technology, turning a comfortable, traditional workplace into a shared work environment or a mobile workplace, you-know-what can hit the fan if they’re not ready.
What will they all need to know? Consider these four ways to prepare team members for their new technology just prior to the move:
1. Be sure teams have the right equipment and know how to use it
It’s important everyone to know what new technology they can expect to be using before the move and how to get ready for it. Each individual will need to know details on changes to computing, voice, video and virtual reality solutions, how to connect their mobile devices to WiFi, any new document management processes, logins and orientation to cloud-based services, and expectations for support of their employee-owned equipment.
Cloud technology is now used by at least 70% of U.S. organizations
The IDG Enterprise 2016 Cloud Computing Executive summary
2. Optimize productivity and performance through new tools
Transitioning to a new workplace is an ideal time to introduce new collaboration and productivity tools to the enterprise. As you take advantage of new meeting platforms, social media applications, team collaboration tools, personal productivity and document management tools, it’s essential that you provide orientation, process tips and support resources to minimize downtime and quickly reach productivity expectations. A small investment in training to prepare teams on using these new tools can result in a huge return.
3. Insist on information security best practices
Switching to new mobility tools and cloud-based services can increase network and data vulnerability – which makes this a good time to update teams with your new protection strategy and security procedures. You might want to find a Computer Support Company that can help tighten all of the security systems of your technology. Announcing best practices for reducing information security risk just before the move is essential by providing guidance on software updates, data encryption, system and network access, and protecting information assets, plus reminders on password access protocols, opening attachments and links, and using public networks.
4. Have world class technology support available
When technology is not working, work progress will be stalled and teams will be frustrated. Be sure to provide help desk access information, guides and tip sheets, how to access informal support networks, access after-hours support, and protocols for reporting an issue or breach.
Mobile devices and cloud-based applications are now ubiquitous. Are your teams ready for this technology-enabled workplace shift?
With a good plan, team input early in the process, regular communications to establish workplace expectations, and properly preparing team members, you’ll reduce the trauma of the move and allow teams to get back to work without delay. One solution is to train teams on these technologies with a Quick-Learn Orientation e-Learning Module pushed to laptops and mobile devices just before the move. This strategy ensures that each member of the workforce adapts to the new workplace simultaneously with all other team members, and before you know it, these disruptive technologies will soon be the new normal!
See the Evolving Workplace e-Learning Series: Technology-enabled workplace change can only be successful if the people change too. The e-work.com Evolving Workplace e-Learning Series modules accelerate workplace change through a deliberate mindshift in individuals, teams and the enterprise to work together in new ways.
Click here to see the Making the Most of Your Technology course outline.