Online Assessment and Development Tool
For Employees in a Distributed Workplace
Distributed work is working in a different physical location from your manager or colleagues, either part of, or all of the time. Most organizations today have some form of distributed work including, activity based work, agile work, flexible work, telework, remote work or distributed work. Regardless of the name, the issues and challenges are often the same. As employees become more mobile, different skills are need to be successfull.
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Psychometric Assessment
. . . and Personal Development Tool
This innovative psychometric assessment was designed by a team of Industrial/Organizational psychologists who have specialized in distributed work since 2003. Following the assessment, an interactive, automated report and video-enriched debrief is immediately available to help your employees succeed in distributed work by:
- Identifying the extent of how the employee ‘fits’ with distributed work
- Outlining areas for personal development and self-management
- Providing clear development advice leading to a solid action plan
- Improving engagement, efficiency, and satisfaction with distributed work

Organizations considering the adoption of distributed work, transitioning into flexible or mobile work programs, or those who already have local or global distributed teams.
Highly scalable assessment that provide personalized development advice applicable across industries. Fully automated and self-directed experience.
Provides development advice tailored to your employee’s personality fit with arrangements that involve being away from the traditional office.
Key Highlights
Based on 14+ years experience
- Enjoyable, rich learningexperience
- Robust Development recommendations
- Can facilitate manager/employee coaching
- Fully automated with instant results and insights
- Dashboard to review and aggregate results
- Easy to deploy and scalable

Overall Results
The Distributed Work Profiler ranks 11 personality traits that significantly predict success of these five distributed work outcomes:
- Work Engagement
- Job Satisfaction
- Job Performance
- Work-life Balance
- Level of Focus

- Work Engagement
- Job Satisfaction
- Job Performance
- Work-life Balance
- Level of Focus

Personality Profile
The Distributed Work Profiler ranks the following 11 personality traits that significantly effect the success of employees that are mobile, or otherwise geographically distributed so they cannot work face-to-face with all their colleagues on a daily basis. The potential fit for each personality traits are summarized as shown in the chart below.

The Distributed Work Profiler provides detailed recommendations and development advice for each of the personality traits. This advice can serve as the basis for a development plan that can also be reviewed with the employees manager and used to stimulate specific discussions and coaching feedback that can improve performance.